Pablo is fluent in two languages, English and naughty. Extremely socialized parrot is 6 years old and needs more than we can offer to him. Very confident…
SOLDAfrican gray 6-9 years old he is very friendly and talker says hello I love you some songs
SOLD3 male goldbreasts available. 2 hatched in my aviary summer of 2023.
SOLDBaby Fischer Lovebirds. Their hatch dates are: October 21, 22, & 25. They’re being hand fed, & are very friendly don’t bite. Contact me for more information…
SOLDI am looking to rehome my parrotlet. He needs more attention than I am able to give. Looking for someone who has experience with parrots. Cage and food…
SOLDTwo babies ready to go June 1st Friendly, playful, and frequently handled by members of the household. They will readily bond with an attentive caretaker…
SOLDFriendly 5 months old pineapple conure. Feather clipped. Quiet, handfed, loves peanuts, almonds and fresh apple. raised in healthy home environment. DNA…
SOLDPlaning to rehome my beautiful, very friendly, playful bird, handfed & tamed, 6 months old , Gender unknown. Without cage (bird only) Price firm and…
SOLDI have 1 female cockatiel that needs to be rehomed.Shes a pied cockatiel and very sweet.She loves attention
SOLDThis yellow cheek pearl is affectionate and sweet. She would like to stay on your head and wont fly away. She has been hand fed since she was tiny hatchlings…