Pascal is a young (under 5 years old per the previous owner), vivacious and noisy yellow-naped amazon. He was in a neglectful living situation and I adopted…
SOLDDEPOSIT RECEIVED. Pending pick up. 4 yo Catalina Hybrid Macaw for rehoming. Believed to be female, but not confirmed. She prefers men. Parents are a Scarlet…
SOLD10 weeks old yellow amazon! I got told is a boy! He need to be train!
SOLDBird is named Lindy. She is 20 years old. My mom can’t take care of her anymore. Looking for a good home. Includes the bird cage.
SOLDBeautiful bonded pair. The male is a Double Crested Ash and the female is a Tufted Tangerine Pearled Silky - $105 for the pair I raise and breed Ringneck…
SOLDBeautiful, very bonded, 2022 Pink Silky male and 2022 Pink female pair available - $105 Contact me for more information and photos... or visit my website…
SOLDMust sell due to moving out of state. 3 yr old Mini Macaw ( HAHNs) GREAT talker, hand tame. One owner - I hand fed when baby. He is always out of his…
SOLDThis is "Flash", a Dom Red yellowsided baby boy. Like many dom red chicks, he does have a bald area on his head. In his case, the bald spot reminded me…
SOLDBeautiful handfed cinnamon dilute greencheek babies just weaning and looking for a new perch. DNA pending Weaned to Zupreem Fruitblend pellets (medium…
SOLDWe have just started to handfeed baby turquoise pineapple and turquoise yellowsided. Pictured are the parents, Dad is a turquoise pineapple and mom a turquoise…