Looking for loving home for Sky and Honey they are both 5 years old ,would like to see them go together. They come with a cage .
SOLD3 cockatiels looking for a loving home , gender unknown , very sweet and tamed and friendly , they have been hand raised and are very sociable , we have…
SOLD4 month old White face pearl pied cockatiel looking for a loving home, her name is Sandy and she is very sweet and curious she's a little shy at first…
SOLD3-month-old female cockatiel looking for a loving home, she is a little shy at first but once she gets used to you she's friendly and sweet. She loves…
SOLDLooking for a loving home for Louie, he's 2 month old and a white face silver , he's tamed, friendly and very sweet. He's a little shy at the beginning…
SOLD2-month-old beautiful male white face pearl cockatiel looking for a loving home, he is friendly and tamed, he's been raised and handfed since he was 2…
SOLDYoung Mosaic Male Canary great singer ready for his forever home! No shipping Pickup Only!
SOLDYoung bronze Canary ready for it forever home unsexed but believe its a male
SOLDCanary Mosaic red and white young female unsexed but believe its a female
SOLDBeautiful albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she is 7 weeks old very friendly and tamed she loves attention. For the safety and well being of…