Young female Pied cockatiel. DNA sexed. 1 month old. Hand raised since 1 week old. Super sweet and tame
SOLDYoung male Pied cockatiel. DNA sexed. 1 month old. Hand raised since 1 week old. Super sweet and tame
SOLDYoung Male Pied cockatiel. DNA sexed. 1 month old. Hand raised since 1 week old. Super sweet and tame
SOLD2 year old Male Rose Breasted Cockatoo with cage.
SOLD7 month old female African grey ( Congo ) with cage. $5000 OBO
SOLDPatents on site. Mom is a prolific egg-layer and had three chicks. They have been raised together and need individual training. They have not been sexed…
SOLDBirds for sale. Had them for 2 years. Not sure how old they are. Female bird loosing some feathers in back and chest area. Apparently stress related
SOLDHand feeding Yellow Wing BB parrots(parakeets) Available mid May. These are very sweet little birds with Big personalities. They make wonderful companions…
SOLDTwo babies ready to go June 1st Friendly, playful, and frequently handled by members of the household. They will readily bond with an attentive caretaker…
SOLD2022 Cantor Spanish Timbrados hen available for rehoming. This quality show bird is from a Spain lineage & heritage. Few males and hens are available to…