4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDEight year old Timneh needs a loving home. After six back surgeries, and other medical issues I can no longer give him the attention he deserves. After…
SOLDMust rehome due to family circumstances. Will step up and say 50-100 words. Very healthy. If interested, I will send a video. Learns new phrases in a week…
SOLD2 year old and 1 year old English Budgies, best friends. Will not ship.
SOLDA pair of two young parrots The dark one is the male the lighter one is a female
SOLDBorn December 25th 2021 No returns, no money back. Only pick up. TEXT ME if interested. please Must be over 18 years old to contact me
SOLDI have this beautiful, young, lizard canary for sale.
SOLDI am a breeder that has new baby Timbrado’s for sale. $50 each get them before they’re gone. Send me a message or contact the number on the picture.…
SOLDI have a beautiful lizard Canary that I’m letting go. He sings beautifully and stands out from the rest of my canaries. He is 8-9 months old and is ready…