This is an adult caique loves to whistle and talks, jumps around like a game rehoming $500.00. you’ll get the cage, his toys and food also
SOLDI am listing a severe macaw. His name is Lokiee he is young yet he’s only turning 20 this year
SOLDLulu is talkative likes lots of attention female
SOLDDue to severe developing allergies I am forced to rehome our male Ringneck. He is approx. 2 years old and very vocal. Includes cage, toys, food, perches…
SOLD2 Quaker Parrots around 6 to 7 months. Our son needs to find a home because they have 3 big dogs so these 2 don't get out of cage much. They do step…
SOLDWe have 4 and 5 month old Quakers. 1 blue and 1 green. We cannot give them the time they need. Just starting to learn things. Contact for more info.
SOLDWe have a 4 month old blue Quaker and a 5 month old green Quaker. Needs new home. We don't have the time and attention like they need. $500 a piece…
SOLDMating pair of cockatiels. Have had two clutches of healthy babies until we separated them. He is very vocal with song. She is very vocal also. Salem…
SOLDBeautiful Calico Macaw for rehoming. Only the best of homes with Macaw experience will be considered. She is a very sweet and cuddly girl. Prefers men…
SOLDToby is a good bird and looking to be rehomed. Very adaptable and needs lots of attention. Given to me by my wife some 15-20 years ago. Unfortunately…