2 yellow canaries young $39 each ,pickup only
SOLDtotal 12 parakeet , $9 each , picture attach , pickup only
SOLDBeautiful 6 months old male eclectus for sale for $2,600.
SOLD5 months old beautiful Eclectus baby for sale. He is on chop and zupreem pellets
SOLDThis is a 6 months old male eclectus. He is very sweet, playful and calm. He is on chop and zupreem diet.
SOLDPlayful 5 months old female eclectus.
SOLD20 months old look at the pic txt for any question
SOLDI have two 8 week old babies. They will step up on Stick. They both eat well on their own. I am selling for 200 each unless sold together. I would prefer…
SOLDHello, I'm looking to rehome my parakeets. Beautiful colors and friendly. I have them for last couple of years but lately I travel a lot due to my job…
SOLDI have 2 10 week old babies. They are fully weaned and eating reg. Cockatiel food. They are hand tame and step up on command to hand or stick. I can't…