African Grey Parrot, Male, approximately 12 years old. We purchased him in 2023. He talks and imitates all kinds of sounds. He knows how to walk up…
$2,3003 babies available. Born 2nd week of November 2024. Very sweet and tame. Wings are clipped.
$125She have 10 years old
$2,500Young, healthy & Super tame friendly eclectus pair [ Chaise & Jackie], They just turned 2 years and they are unrelated bonded pair, they can't be separated…
$6,400Bonded 2 yrs old pair. Perfect Feathers only serious inquiries please $450 pair.
$450Young healthy Cockatiels available, only serious inquiries please.
$145Young healthy Cockatiels available, only serious inquiries please.
$145Accepting reservations for Blue & Gold babies, We are local a breeder & have been breeding blue's for over 10 years, All of our babies are hand raised…
$3,900Young healthy Cockatiels males & females available from $125 to 185, only serious inquiries please.
$125Young and healthy Males Available, only Serious inquiries please.