All sold! HAND-FED from two weeks and very friendly. Two Cinnamons SOLD!
SOLDI hay15 parakeet available $25 each or 5 for $100
SOLDI have 3 available $100 each or all 3 for $250
SOLDReduced pricing to get these slightly older babies into new homes. I have a few pineapple coloration hand fed Green Cheeks which hatched in March. Eating…
SOLDDNA tested female yellow-sided Green Cheek Conure. Was hand fed but then paired up as a future breeder and is no longer hand tame. About 2.5 years old…
SOLDI have a pair of cockatiels for sale. They were set up to be breeders but are unfortunately "just friends." She will lay eggs if given a nest box, and…
SOLDI have several young Green Cheek Conures priced to move. Cinnamons and pineapples ready to go. Fully flighted, eating pellets and fresh foods, outgoing…
SOLDI've got two cinnamon Green Cheek Conures, ready to go! Outgoing, tamed, great eaters. Located in Paris Tennessee, please check distance before contacting…
SOLDI've got several hand fed Green Cheek Conures weaning now. Most are pineapple and I also have three cinnamon. Located in Paris Tennessee, please check…
SOLDI have two sweet baby Jenday Conures for sale. Hand-to-hand, friendly, DNA tested males, ready to go. Reduced to get them into new homes soon. Located…