She’s a pretty chill bird , loves to hang out in the blinds & see outside .
SOLD8 week old Green Crossover. Ready when fully weaned. Negotiable. Local pick up.
SOLD9 month old green female. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLD4 month old Blue, spilt pallidino male quaker. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLDFemale Opaline Green available. $300. obo Not tame. Local pick up. No shipping.
SOLDdna 5 month old female Green crossover baby quaker. $400.
SOLD5 week old blue quaker baby. Dna male. Local pick up.
SOLDBeautiful 16 week old blue crossover baby quaker. Dna female available.
SOLD1year old pair of lovebirds. Bonded, not proven.
SOLDAlbino cockatiel babies ready for their new homes. Local pu only.