3 year Old Black Shoulder split Violetta pair for sale. No shipping or delivery. Contact if interested.
SOLD4 year old Purple pair for sale. He is a Purple Black Shoulder Pied peacock She is a Purple hen. No shipping or delivery. Contact if interested.
SOLD4 year old Peafowl pair for sale $450.00 or best offer. He is a Indian Blue split Purple peacock. She is a Cameo Black Shoulder Hen. They have had many…
SOLD*Reposted as adoption fell through* I have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/20/23 (One of the last two available…
SOLDI have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/20/23 (One of the last two available in a clutch of five.) They were…
SOLDI have the absolute sweetest 9 week old baby green cheek conure available. Hatched 1/18/23 (One of the last two available in a clutch of five.) They were…
SOLDThis is Apollo, he is 3-4 years ago, chattered and loves people. He will allow head scratches once he is used to you and will speak. Loves his almond treats…
SOLDIndian Ringneck, female, turning 6 this year. Not DNA tested but never developed a ring. Friendly, hand tame, prefers females. South Central Pennsylvania…
SOLDHand raised female severe macaw, she is turning 3 this upcoming summer. Friendly, prefers men but will tolerate women. Says ALOT of words. Local pick…
SOLDMeet Angel! He absolutely loves to cuddle. As soon as you lay down, he will come for snuggles, will fall asleep with you. He says hello, hi, I love you…