14 weeks old not hand tame mother was pastel , father was green peach face
SOLD8 months old perfect for a breeder has yellow orange, blue and green in the wings not tame text will send more pics
SOLDGreen cheek conure with red belly 10 months old eats on its own seed , millet, veggie diet. Parents were a black cap and a pineapple. Not hand tame female…
SOLDI have two lovebirds 3.5 months one is yellow with orange head , the other is green with a peach / yellowish head , message for more info
SOLD~ Parakeet breeding set up; birds and all ! ~ If you are interested in breeding parakeets then this is a great opportunity for you to get a great setup…
SOLDHand-raised, Baby Budgie! I am hand-raising this beautiful baby budgie right now. This is an American budgie that I think it is a male (it is hard…
SOLDLooking for new home for my older male English budgie. Sky has very beautiful coloring. He is a recessive pied, spangle-opaline. Has a very nice temperament…
SOLDBeautiful English budgie! This young, female, English budgie is less than 5 months old. Her hatch date is: January 21, 2022 I raised her in my little…
SOLDFemale English Budgie! Bella is about 4 years old. She is banded and a very nice "show quality" English budgie. Just raised a clutch this winter and…
SOLDHand-raised, baby English budgie! Ready for a new home March 18. This little budgie was breed by me, in my little aviary. She is hand-raised meaning…