We are looking to rehome our Sun Conure Calypso. She is a little over 1 year old and is very sweet. She gets along well with our green cheek conure and…
SOLDBeautiful African Grey Parrot Talkative and affectionate young male parrot. Comes with large size cage and feeding bowls and toys. !!Price negotiable…
SOLDMale Lutino (Split Rosey/Rubino) - 7/23/22 hatch date, hand fed and semi-tame (Will step on finger when he feels like it). Will not ship, located in Louisville…
SOLDMale rosey bourke parakeet. Parent raise hatched 9/20. DNA tested and could be split ino (50/50 chance). No shipping. $100
SOLDFemale Rosey Bourke - Hatched 9/26/23, parent raised $100 DNA tested. (Bird pictured in the front) Will not ship. Located in Louisville, KY
SOLDFemale Rubino - hatch date 7/24/22, hand fed (not currently tame) $300 Will not ship. Located in Louisville, KY
SOLDYoung hand-fed (not quite tame) Rosey Bourke. DNA tested female. No shipping.
SOLDSplit Cleartail Indian Ringneck babies Hatched: 06/05, 06/07 Two females available: gray blue physical exam with gram staining, CBC, and serum chemistry…
SOLDHatched 3/22/23 Vet tested and negative for pbfd, ABV and polyoma. Great with everyone and super playful. This stunning girl is ready for her new home…
SOLDMale, 2years-ish. His partner died. Looking for new home. Raised in busy home with multiple dogs and cats. Can be held. Has not flown much. Needs…