2 sun counres i was told they are both males. The price for each. For more information call or text me at our phone number
SOLDOne baby quaker left. Almos weaned hatch on November 8th for more information call or text me at our phone number
SOLD2 babies quakers one is yellow one is creamion. Currently handfeeding 3 times a day. Need about 10 more days to be fully weaned. Feel free to text or call…
SOLDOne turquoise left Healthy and tame. fully weaned. For more information call or text me at our phone number
SOLD2 pairs of cockatiels white face is 3 years old the latino 2 years old. Both pairs are tame. Great parents, made many babies for me. They make albino,…
SOLD2 babies quakers 3 weeks old currently handfeeding them need a couple of more weeks to be fully weaned. For more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD3 babies jenday counres. Currently handfeeding them need a couple of weeks to be fully weaned. For more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD4 years old female lorkeet super tame and social bird. Great condition in a good diet stays most of her tame outside of her cage. For more information…
SOLDAlbino baby Cockatiel fully weaned handfed 6 weeks old for more call or text me at our phone number
SOLD2 baby indan ringneck 6 weeks old handfed healthy and tame almost weaned both are males and they are siblings. For more information call or text me at…