8 wks old blue male parrotlet. parents raised but handled everyday. learning step up command. ALBANY NY area. no shipping.
SOLDCo-Parent raised but tame can be easily trained. working on step up command 8 wk old female parrotlet. SOLD
SOLDI have two gorgeous, sweet female parrotlets for sale. One is grey turquoise (looks pied, green/yellow) and the other is dilute turquoise (yellow). …
SOLDYour consideration is much appreciated. With a heavy heart, my baby boy Rio will need to be re-homed. With my demanding work schedule and a need for…
SOLD5-month male. it Can sing-song and pronounce 'cookie'. super-well tamed. Trust human. Sell with cage and 3 packages of seed food and everthing inside…
SOLD2 year old and 1 year old English Budgies, best friends. Will not ship.
SOLDA wonderful 3 month old cute cockatiel for $250. Available and ready now for you.
SOLDTwo wonderful 6 month old cockatiel and a wonderful 3 month old cockatiel. One for $200, two for $350, and all three for $500. Genders, they are young…
SOLDMature breeding pair. We had them for 2 years and we had babies from them.
SOLDWe Have 7 Parakeets for sale, we brought them when they were two month old, they are about 2 years old and ready to breed. we have albino, latino, blue…