125 each or 220 for both one female yellow orange face male is green with orange face 7 months old not tame father was a green peach face mother was pastel…
SOLD8 months old perfect for a breeder has yellow orange, blue and green in the wings not tame text will send more pics
SOLD14 weeks old not hand tame mother was pastel , father was green peach face
SOLDGorgeous pied parrotlets! Both are male. They are 4 weeks old and being hand-fed. They will be available in early May. Reserve one or both with a $50 deposit…
SOLD5 baby parrotlets being hand-fed will be ready in April & May. There are males and females. Females for $200 - Males are $250. Reserve your baby now before…
SOLDYoung female parrotlet. She was hand-fed and tame. Hasn't been handled lately and will need patience and time to gain her trust.
SOLDGreen cheek conure with red belly 10 months old eats on its own seed , millet, veggie diet. Parents were a black cap and a pineapple. Not hand tame female…
SOLDI have a beautiful. 5-week-old turquoise marbled female for $300. She should be weaned and ready just before Christmas. They are tame, friendly, funny…
SOLDI have two lovebirds 3.5 months one is yellow with orange head , the other is green with a peach / yellowish head , message for more info
SOLDPulled from the nest at 14 days and Hand-fed ever since. She is 6 weeks old. Ready to go to her forever home in 2-3 weeks.