DNA sexed male. is a white face dominate silver pied, rare mutation. 2-3 years old not tame.
SOLD1 dominate silver pearl pied. hand fed very tame. very big cockatiel from show stock
SOLD1 dominate silver. hand fed very tame. very big cockatiel from show stock
SOLDhandfed baby. great personality and very fun. dna male. normal color but split yellow side and dilute
SOLDis 3 months old and very sweet bird. loves to be out with us. is eating pellets and chopped vegies.
SOLDsweet hand fed parakeet. 10 weeks old ready to go to a new home
SOLDYoung BaBo isn’t working out with his current home. He’s a good boy between 5-10 years. Likes to talk and be around you. Will accept scratches and step…
SOLDIn their early 20’s. Proven breeders but have not laid in the past few years. Looking for a new place. Should still have breeding years left or would love…
SOLDMango is a one year old pineapple green cheek conure. He’s hand take and loves to fly over for treats but hates stepping up because it means cage time…
SOLDUnexpected arrivals and I need to make room for larger cages. Deals for Future or current breeders. Set of three stacking flight cages for small…