Proven adult breeding pair of Parrotlets. They have had beautiful and healthy clutches. They are not completely tame but are easy to handle.
SOLDAdult proven breeding pair if American Budgies. Not tame. About 4 years old.
SOLDAdult proven breeding pair if American Budgies. Not tame. About 4 years old.
SOLDyearling Spaulding healthy beautiful
SOLD1 female purple peahen 1 male purple peacock coming 2 yrs. Healthy, male will eat from your hand bred on our farm parents on premises both for 500…
SOLD1 Spaulding female peahen, 4yrs laying eggs and hatched out peachicks 1 Spaulding male peacock 2 yrs. healthy parents on premises OBO
SOLD1 Spaulding female peahen, 4yrs laying eggs and hatched out peachicks 1 Spaulding male peacock 2 yrs. healthy parents on premises OBO
SOLD1 female purple peahen 1 male purple peacock coming 2 yrs. Healthy, male will eat from your hand bred on our farm parents on premises both for 500…
SOLDI have a pair of budgies just going through their first molt. We just don't have the time to truly spend with them and feel that we can't give them the…
SOLD2 cockatiels unsure of sex but need to stay together and come with their cage Under 2 years old