2 baby cockatiels handfed and tame almost weaned they are on one baby formula feeding a day they eat fruit and vegetables beans and brown rice and mix…
SOLDFemale meyers parrot super outgoing, healthy, tame, social and so sweet perfect feathers. She can say afew word she stay out of her cage most of her time…
SOLD2 cockatiels with big cage. Toys included. $500. O.b.o.
SOLD4 parakeets that are 6 weeks old and weaned. All the birds were taken care by the parents and were not hand fed.
SOLDSuper sweet! located in Cinci. He loves to sing and give kisses. He deserves more attention than I can give him.
SOLDRehoming Green Peach Faced Lovebird Trio We are guessing that there is 1 male and 2 females but we are unsure they are brother and sisters though. They…
SOLD15 year old Timneh African Grey. Smokie is his name. Looking to rehome because he needs more attention than I can give. He comes with new cage. He…
SOLDFriendly, will groom my hand while working in their cage, could be more with a little work, as they like to be friendly and come to me. They however are…
SOLDBlue - mother was albino father was blue. Extremely sweet will fly to you and snuggle, and cuddle, would honestly prefer to do this all day long if a…
SOLDShe was born on the first of the year! She is very sweet and hand fed. Never been clipped, and a decent flyer. Learning a little more leash training…