Beautiful & healthy Pair, Bonded & Proven, Not Tame, Breeders, Local Pick up only!!
SOLD2-month-old female Albino cockatiel looking for a loving home, she's tamed and friendly, she has been handfed. She loves attention and likes to play a…
SOLD7 parakeets looking for a loving home, $20 each
SOLDA beautiful and healthy African Ringneck Female, Not Tamed, Dna'd, local pick up only!
SOLDPrice dropped. Need to move for medical reasons Male and Female Gray. Male about 20 years old female about 15 years Can’t find paper work but both…
SOLDBudgie- parakeet. This bird is free, not tamed.
SOLD3 year old DNA Tested Male Blue Headed Pionus. Prefers males. He is very sweet. Flighted and harness trained. Located in New Jersey. Will not be shipped…
SOLD2 year old and 1 year old English Budgies, best friends. Will not ship.
SOLD2-year-old male. I have mine trained to free-range during the day, but I lock them up at night. Not tame to touch, but will eagerly eat treats at your…
SOLDThe male has a slight inward bow on one leg due to an injury when it was a chick. They both run, chase, and play with the others with no problem. Both…