This baby is currently being hand fed. He is 7 weeks old. He will be ready at 10-12 weeks of age. This baby is a DNA tested Male. $50 DNA fee. He is close…
SOLDThese babies are 2 weeks old. They will be ready at 10-12 weeks of age. They are Cinnamon-Turquoise and Pineapples. They will be DNA tested. $50 DNA fee…
SOLDThese babies are 2 weeks old. They will be ready at 10-12 weeks of age. This is not the actual babies, this is some of the babies from the last clutch…
SOLD15 week old Cinnamon-Turquoise Green Cheek Conures. These babies are DNA’d males and are closed banded. Fully weaned and ready to go. Please contact for…
SOLDRitz is a beautiful and playful green Cheek Conure. Bird cage is included (over $200 value new).
SOLDLocal Bird store backed out of purchasing these baby Mitred Conures, and I’m unable to keep up with them and their older hand-feeding siblings. I’m offering…
SOLDBeautiful Mitred Conure Babies Available Soon! Our gorgeous baby Conures will grow to be large and vibrant. Please note, these birds are not suited…
SOLDGorgeous Suncheek breeder pair available. Both birds, aged around 5 years, were obtained from the esteemed breeder, Steve Garvin of The Feather Tree, approximately…
SOLDA high-quality breeding pair of cockatiels is available for rehoming. The male, a White Face, is banded from 2015, while the female, a Lutino, is unbanded…
SOLDHandfeeding baby Cockatiels Only 1 unspoken for, pearl hatched 10/28/22 should be weaned around the first week of January or before. you can see more…