Very sweet 13 year old male sulpher crested cockatoo, loves cuddles,talks and loves to dance! Comes with a large Macaw cage. Please call for more info…
SOLD15 year old , friendly, spunky bird with large vocabulary and great personality. He has been a family pet his entire life. DNA certificate is included…
SOLDBeautiful Male Sulfer crested Cockatoo.13 years old ,He talks and is easy to teach! He loves to dance, and he's very cuddly. Comes with a large Macaw cage…
SOLDI have almost all types of conures. They are beautiful guarantee healthy bird.
SOLDWe unfortunately need to find a Fantastic home for our juvenile male Scarlet Macaw. His hatch date was April 2021. He is very friendly, hand tamed, loves…
SOLD3 parakeets for sale, only selling the birds. have to rehome them as soon as possible.
SOLD12 week old Fischers Lovebirds. These babies are semi-tame. With some work they can be tame. Please contact for more information
SOLD15 year old Female Alexandrine Parakeet. She needs someone with experience. She is very shy but lovable once she gets to know you. Alexandrine Parakeet…
SOLDThese babies are currently being hand fed. 4 weeks-6 weeks. They will be ready at 10-12 weeks of age. I have Yellow-Side, Pineapple and Wild-Types. These…
SOLDThis baby is currently being hand fed. This baby is 4 weeks old. This baby will be ready at 10-12 weeks of ago. These Opaline Black Cap Conures are rare…