Selling my 9 month Beautiful Conure for $600 will come with cage & supplies. Also open for a trade.
SOLD‘Sammy’. 13 year old yellow crown Amazon. Loves attention and chaos. She is loud and will call for your attention. If you want a quiet peaceful bird, she…
SOLDPENDING SALE. Pineapple Green Cheek Conure baby. Hatched 8/24/2021. Very sweet baby. Loves to be with you. As you can see from pictures loves to be on…
SOLDHand fed baby cockatiel. Hatched 8/5/2021. This baby is the sweetest thing ever. It LOVES to be against you and be petted. It will be ready to go to a…
SOLDA price is listed but all offers will be considered. This is outside the Philadelphia area and willing to travel up to one hour to meet anyone not in the…
SOLDMale and Female Blue Front Amazon Parrots whit DNA Certificate very friendlys and tamed parrots, male has 4 years old and female has 5 years old, send…
SOLDRinged Blue Front Amazon Male whit DNA Certificate, tamed and friendly 3 years old
SOLDBred by Holiday Lake Parrot Farm. Will step-up and tolerate some petting but needs work. Not aggressive but will nip (doesn't break skin). Raised on…
SOLDHatch date 3/12/2021, bred by Holiday Lake Parrot Farm. Will step-up but will usually bite to test the waters; she will require an experienced handler…
SOLDCuddles is a 25 year old Goffin Cockatoo. Cuddles prefers female handlers and does not like children. Cuddles does not like dogs. Cuddles can bark like…