This is an adult caique loves to whistle and talks, jumps around like a game rehoming $500.00. you’ll get the cage, his toys and food also
SOLDI am listing a severe macaw. His name is Lokiee he is young yet he’s only turning 20 this year
SOLDLulu is talkative likes lots of attention female
SOLD12 weeks old Hand fed bird
SOLDThis was my daughter's bird. My daughter is now moving away to school and she cannot take Phoebe with her. Looking for a great loving home for this sweet…
SOLDI have a hand tamed and very sweet gold capped conure for sale. She will sit on your shoulder and hang out with you. Never bit and has never gotten nippy…
SOLDMy baby cockatiel will be available within the next few weeks. It is 7 weeks old and in the process of weaning from being hand fed. It is grey and very…
SOLDYoung cockatiel - hand fed and ready to go to a new home. Very sweet, think it’s a female from the markings on her tail.
SOLDPair of Bourke parakeets, I believe both are females. I don't know how old they are. $150.00 for the pair. Pick up at Bristow Post Office in Bristow…
SOLDLUTINO INDIAN RINGNECK for sale. This FEMALE is apx. 4 moths old now. She was handfed, but was not handled much after being handfed, so she is beginning…