Bonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLDFriendly One Year old Sun Conure for Sale. Price of the Sun Conure is $600. No Refunds of any kind however if you are unable to take care of the bird we…
SOLDTwo Baby Sun Conures for Sale. $600 Each. Ready now No Refunds however if for any reason the buyer is unable to take care of the birds we will take…
SOLDPoppy is a 14-year-old male electus, born in 2009. He has never had his wings clipped and has full flight. He loves to roam the house. He has an excellent…
SOLDMy name is Kiwi and I am a very sweet Senegal Conure Parrot. I desperately need a new loving home. Please adopt me, my owner got sick and cannot care…
SOLDEstoy vendiendo mis cacatĂșas es una pareja o por separado 400 por la pareja o 200 por cada una
SOLDVendo una cacatĂșa ninfa por 200
SOLD$400 for both, can negotiate, not tamed and unsure of gender