40 zebra finches $8each
SOLD40 young zebra finches $8 each
SOLD200 pcs birds cocktail, parrots leg band
SOLDThree male English Budgies & cage for sale.
SOLDBabies for sale. My two lovebirds had babies and I can’t afford to keep them all. The green one is available and one of the lighter ones is available as…
SOLD11 year old scarlet macaw, we named it twilight all these years. Needs a new loving home, it is very adventurous and sometimes can be aggressive.
SOLDJust 1 beautiful baby cockatiel left. A Pearl/Pied combos is fully weaned and are incredibly friendly with a great personality! He is the baby of our…
SOLDGreat tame cockatiel babies. Their parents are our pet birds. All are now weaned and ready to find new homes!! 2 grays 2 pearls
SOLDSays “Hello”, Barks like a Dog”, Laughs, and says “I love you” when you ask her to show you her wings she opens them and shows you. She is a Severe Macaw…
SOLDMale, green cheek conure. 1 year old. Loves to sing and dance.