See my website for a video! DNA Sexed: Female Age: 4 years old Health: Tested negative for common avian diseases Tame: Yes – steps up and enjoys…
$1,600This Cinnamon Dilute Green Cheek Conure has been abundance weaned onto a variety of nutritious foods, including pellets and veggies. Raised in a lively…
$600This is a not typical small budgie, but an English budgie adult female. This will be ready to breed this summer when paired high pedigree budgie male.
$120Buddy is about 37 years old. We got her at 2 years old when we were stationed in Las Vegas. She has never been sick. My husband passed away last October…
$250Beautiful Pair of Royal Mute Swans. They are very tame and eating out of our hand.
$1,100Beautiful white Ringneck Turtleneck
$60Very beautiful dove
$65Healthy Male Zebra Finch for sale.
$30I’m selling two young conures. They are 2 years old, healthy. Unknown sex, not tamed. They are bonded and must go together.
$800Indian ringneck pair