Update: one baby still available. Two male Congo African Grey babies, in October and recently weaned. Fully flighted and hand-reared from hatch by…
$5,500Even though larger 'toos are noisy & high maintenance, they are well worth it. We've kept them since the late 1960's. Tritons are fairly good talkers …
$2,500These birds are kept outdoors in Missouri year round, as long as they are protected from the wind. We cover their aviary with very heavy plastic and make…
$35Beautiful little white cockatiel around two and a half months old has not been DNA tested and fed and tame
$250I'm needing to re-home my pair of Golden's. Goldie, the male and Girlfriend the female. Don't laugh too much at the names. The male's hatch day was 3-15…
$9,000Young female zebra finch for sale.
$452 year old female Blue headed Pionus. She will sit on your shoulder but honestly does not like to be petted much. I was going to find a male for her…
$2,000Aru Island Eclectus girls (E.r aruensis) recently weaned. Fully flighted and have done basic recall with me. They eat all sorts of fresh food and both…
SOLDSweet babies! I have one male and one female available for deposit. They will be ready to go home in mid to late November. Fully flighted and allowed to…
SOLDBourkies (also known as 'sundown parrot') are docile, quiet & ideal for apartments & even aviaries for Lady Gouldian or cockatiel, or especially another…