I have 3 Handfed green cheeked conures. 1 opamint, 1 mooncheek and 1 yellow sided. All are unsexed. I'm in Wisconsin
No Price ListedI have 3 Handfed green cheeked conures. 1 opamint, 1 mooncheek and 1 yellow sided. All are unsexed. I'm in Wisconsin
No Price ListedI have 10 green cheeked conures to rehome. Must take all at this price. No shipping. 125.00 each but must take all.
No Price ListedI have 10 males and 5 female breeding age green cheeked conure for sale. Different mutations. Some have bred for me. All good birds just need to reduce…
No Price ListedHello all! I breed peach faced lovebirds and currently have 5 ready for homes and more eggs waiting to hatch! I do not sex them so i do not know if they…
$75Selling our beautiful young Rosella Parrot. It's healthy but not tamed and ready for a new home. We are looking for a more loving bird like a Sun Conure…
$600Proven Greencheeck Pair - They are not tamed, around 3.5 years old. Beautiful parents. Looking for a new home. If you want more details please inbox
$600I'm rehoming Rosy Boukhe, a beautiful bird that is partly hand-fed and has experience raising their own babies. They are on a pellet diet and well taken…
$200Completely handtamed & hand fed Indian ringnecks.
$850Greenback Yellowback Blueback