Beautiful babies looking for a home sun conure and jenday conure if you want one send me a message 3478700592
$650It is a newly weaned baby friendly and very healthy if you are looking for some write me at 3478700592
$300baby sun conure already almost weaned but eating seeds also ready to go to another house if you want a feathered friend write me at 3478700592
$550Cockatiels babies available to go to a new home if you want any write to 3478700592
$150Babies looking for a nice home to be great companions are being fed by hand and some already eat on their own If you want any write me at 3478700592
$600Babies looking for a loving home will be great companions in the home if you are looking for some write me at 3478700592
$350I need to rehome my two cockatiels is male and other one is female. Fully tamed. Both for $300.
$300Baby cockatiel only 3 months, very friendly and will eat from hand but never have enough time to fully train him since I work overtime mostly which is…
$125For Sale: Adorable 1-Year-Old Cockatiels 150 each bird I am looking for a loving home for my 1 year old. They are very friendly, affectionate, and love…
$100For Sale: Adorable Cockatiels 100 each bird I am looking for a loving home for my pair of cockatiels (one male and one female), both 1 year old. They…