Baby Conures born on 5/9 & 5/13. DNA tested and both males. Handfed and hand tame. Extremely sweet and friendly. Fully weaned.
SOLDIndian Ringneck breeders. Bonded pair. Young pair, 2yrs old. Not tame. $800 each if sold separately
SOLD2 yr old female Indian Ring Neck. Friendly and tame. Loves to be out of her cage.
SOLDSweetest girl EVER being rehomed due to my unexpected health issues- she is a cuddle bug, starting to talk and eats lory nectar and fresh fruits/veggie…
SOLD10-month-old Sun Conure for Sale - $650 - contact me at our email address or our phone number. I am located in Baltimore, Maryland. The sun conure is very…
SOLD15 yr old parrot.. Comes with $350 cage in excellent condition.. Please feel free to contact me with any questions
SOLDI have a little green cheek conure her name is Jade. she is 2 1/2 years old, her cage and toys will be included. I have some birds that she is dominant…
SOLDI have a male cockatiel who needs a good and loving home. His name is Lokie and he will sit on your head or shoulder's under his terms. if you talk to…
SOLDProven pair blue quaker parrot pair. Male and female. With dna paper. Proven pair. They are around 3yrs old. I’m not into birds anymore. $550 pair. They…
SOLDLarge Beautiful sweet male conure 2 yrs old. Tame and friendly. You can pet and cuddle him. Disease tested . Wings are clipped. Beautiful . Love to be…