We have a couple newly hatched ringneckdoves. One is albino white , the second probably tangerine . There is a photo with their mother. Price negotiable…
SOLD6 months old, dna female. Not hand tame. With a little work, patience & time, she could b very nice pet. Negotiable. Local pu only.
SOLDGreen cheek one is male and pineapple one is female. Both about 1 year old. Adoption fee includes both birds and cage.
SOLDFemale Lutino . Male Blue Crossover . 2 years old. Not tame. Local pu.
SOLDHand raised and just recently weaned from parents. PRICE IS NEGOTIABLE.
SOLD8 week old Green Crossover. Ready when fully weaned. Negotiable. Local pick up.
SOLD9 month old green female. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLD4 month old Blue, spilt pallidino male quaker. Not tame. Negotiable.
SOLDFemale Opaline Green available. $300. obo Not tame. Local pick up. No shipping.