READY NOW ! Hand fed & Weaned super sweet BabyCongo Greys / can dna sex them $40 / will ship / already whistling and trying to talk.. ❤️ Please call or…
SOLDKuka is a very playful sweet male umbrella cockatoo. He has been proven. Is pet or breeder. super funny !!
SOLD2023 1st clutch baby 9 weeks old, fully weaned DNA male colbolt. Very dark and beautiful!
SOLDBeautiful dark yellow Quaker,
SOLD6 week old Quakers, blue/blue crossovers Green opaline split dark eye yellow 3 blue 1 green opaline available
SOLD3 year young friendly Macaw. I love him but he needs more attention then I can provide. He comes with a cage, his food, play stand, and toys. His current…
SOLDIntroducing Scout! He is a 3 year old male pied cockatiel. He is very fond of girls/women and tends to be scared of males. He was my son’s cockatiel but…
SOLD"Aussie" is a delightfully playful young man! He loves men. I am looking to either trade him for a female or rehome him for the amount stated. Or..…
SOLDFun loving and happy! "Sydney" is a year old male Galah looking for a loving home. His cage is a 4 x 6 including the two bridges on the top. $650