2 parakeets available ( green/yellow - female and cornflower/lavender - male) - $35/each - small transport cage included if 2 or more purchased Also 1…
SOLD2 singing Males and 3 beautiful Young Females. Two breeding cages included
SOLDFemale Canary for Sale. She is less than a year old.
SOLDYoung Female Canary for Sale. Less than a year old
SOLDSinging Male Canary
SOLDMaui is a 5 years old blue and gold macaw. He is very friendly, he talks a lot and he also likes to spend time with people. He enjoys showers, getting…
SOLDMeet Marley! I unfortunately have to rehome our sweet family pet. His name is Marley and he is a 9-year-old Umbrella Cockatoo. He likes both men, women…
SOLDVery playful, loves interaction Cage not included, no shipping Price reduced
SOLDHis name is fluffy as he has Curley feathers Cage not included, no shipping Great bird, no trades We don’t have the time to give him all the attention…
SOLDFemale lays 2-3 eggs per season. Cage not included. Experienced owners only. No shipping no trades,cash only at this low price