Sweet babies close banded from disease tested negative parents. These are hard to find. Voren Last baby $850. Weaned and tame
$8502.5 year old. laid eggs 3 months ago. I don't have mate for her $600 Proven pair 3.5 year old. Produces red factor babies also. $1200
$600Male - D Green (possible split ino) Female - green
$7502.5 year old breeding pair for sale. NOT TAME. breeder birds only
$1,6503.5 year Proven pair - rare opportunity to grab at wholesale price Single Hen also available $1000 (extremely hard to find) Shipping available
$1,650Hard to find Plum Head females. Only available. 1.5 year old
$1,000Turquoise Pallidino $800 Turquoise INO Crossover SOLD
$800Less than 6 months
$20Less than 6 months semi tame
$125I have few proven pairs of Indian ringnecks. Please call our phone number only if you are serious as I can't respond to emails and text. Will edit this listing…
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