Female 18 months old breeder asking $180 she is not hand tame call me or text me anytime
SOLD1 month old albino love bird $200 each this is the time for train baby hand tame and feed them price is firm
SOLDIt’s adult pair 15 months old breeder asking $325 call or text on my cell
SOLDBreeder pair u see eggs in the picture it was last clutch in November asking $400
SOLDLove bird Fischer 45 days old hand tame
SOLDHis name is mango he is mature hand tame play full asking $150
SOLDThese Green Linnie's were hand raised. There is a male and a female available. They are siblings. They have been raised on the best food as well as greens…
SOLDThese are great little birds. They are also known as the "apartment bird" because their voices is low. They can be taught to say words, and whistle. …
SOLDWe have a young turquoise Linnie ready to go and be someone's companion. they are a small parrot. They can learn words or whistles . The voice when they…
SOLDBeautiful Lime green peach face Love Bird with, Orange face. The bird is hand tame. It is a beautiful bird. More photos and photos of the parents on…