I have this female for sale. She is 6 years old .. very friendly for with all my kids. She talk a lot and very quick learner. If you teach her some word…
SOLD15 yr old parrot.. Comes with $350 cage in excellent condition.. Please feel free to contact me with any questions
SOLD2 beautiful Fisher's born in March unable to keep due to a move must stay together very bonded . All the food and toys are included.
SOLDMature breeding peafowl. I have a pied male, pictured, who produces pieds and whites and black shoulder for $300. I have an India Blue male for $200, 2…
SOLDIndia Blue peacocks ( male). Hatched last year.
SOLDPeacocks hatched last summer June thru September. India blue males $60 each. I also have several pied males and one black shoulder male . They are $90each…
SOLDIndia blue males and females hatched this summer. $60 each. Pied India blue male, also hatched this summer. $90. No shipping, pick up only. Pennsylvania…
SOLDPineapple Conure with cage, toys and her mini pool that she loves bathing in. She also loves to dance. Her wings are currently clipped.
SOLDBaby parrotlets just weaned , ready now. . very sweet little babies,
SOLDBaby parakeets still weaning, hand fed and sweet babies. Also have parrotlets and lovebirds hatching .