I have 4-Fischer Lovebird , 8 weeks old, very healthy and in excellent condition. Hand-feeding from 3 weeks old. Аlready eating on their own and flying…
SOLDI have 1-Fischer Lovebird , 3.5 month old, very healthy and in excellent condition. Hand-feeding from 3 weeks old. Аlready eating on their own and flying…
SOLD2 Red Lored Amazon parrot babies from a 2nd clutch, DNA sexed both females. 1 is ready to go to a forever home right now, the other should be weaned in…
SOLDRed Lored Amazon Parrot Baby Bird still being handfed, should be ready to go to his/her forever home by the second week of December. Nice companion, can…
SOLDI have 3-green cheek conures (yellow sided), 2.5 month old, very healthy and in excellent condition. Hand-feed from 3 weeks of age. DNA test - 2 boys…
SOLDI have 2-green cheek conures , 2.5 month old, very healthy and in excellent condition. Hand-feeding from first hatching day. DNA test - 1 boy-(regular…
SOLDI have green cheek conure, 2.5 month old, very healthy and in excellent condition. Hand-fed from 3 weeks of age. DNA test - boys.Аlready eating on their…
SOLDHealthy, young, hand fed, tame male peach faced lovebird.
SOLDHand fed tame peach faced lovebirds, 4months old. Yellow - female, green - male. Healthy, beautiful birds, are being played, cuddled with and given lots…
SOLDThree month old, hand fed, tame peach faced love birds. Lowest price around for hand fed, tame birds. Hurry up, get your little chirping piece of joy.