7 month old cockatiel. Hand fed and tame.
SOLDSmokey has been with me or my family for his entire life. Bought from a store back in 2000 in Michigan. I recently have had a newborn and have 2 dogs and…
SOLDMaggie is an approximately 22-year-old cockatoo. She was in her previous home for 21 years and has been with us for about a year after being owner-surrendered…
SOLD3.5 year old - Female Indian Ringneck with cage and accessories for sale $800.00 in S.E. Tennessee. I am looking for a good home for her due to my issue…
SOLDI have a sweet white-faced baby available who is currently weaning. Great for that special after-Christmas gift! 50.00 deposit to reserve.
SOLDI have two sweet and very tame males for 175 each.
SOLDI have one cockatiel left which a pearl female. Very sweet, a perfect gift for your love one. 150.00 firm. Shipping Notes No shipping Please!
SOLDI have one Lutino female and one gray cockatiel for sale.very lovable and tame. Cockatiel must be picked up; shipping is not an option.
SOLDHello! Marceline is a sweet, cuddly, six year old girl. She loves to whistle and will hang out with you while you sit and work or watch TV! Everything…