Pair of Mute Swans. Male is 4 years old and the female is 2 years old. Delivery available to most states. $2200
SOLD3 year old female Trumpeter Swan. Pinioned. Delivery available to most states. $3000
SOLDFemale scarlet macaw 5 years old. She prefers men. Price negotiable.
SOLDI have one young cockatiel baby left who would make a great pet. Not sure of gender, but very sweet and learning to step up.
SOLDCurrently I have 1 young whiteface female available. She is weaned and ready for her forever home. Her wings are not clipped, but she does have an issue…
SOLD12 year old blue and gold macaw. Tame. He will come to you when he wants otherwise don't want to be bothered. If he is on his cage he will come to you…
SOLDPair of love birds babies for hand feeding. 150 for each and 300 for pair.
SOLDFemale jenday conure About 2 years old $550 Willing to trade for a male sun conure or Indian ring neck male Pick up only
SOLDMale white face cockatiel fully tame Idk his age but he recently had a baby with a female. He's very sweet Pick up in blacklick oh
SOLDGreen cheek conure dna tested female Year and half old Not tame Rehoming fee 400 Pick up in Blacklik oh