Bonded pair.Male is 3 year old female is 2 year old.
SOLD4 months old baby gcc.
SOLD1 year old female Cockatiel with cage and food. Very friendly, loves to be pet; loves to whistle, and loves to eat fruits. Looking for a caring person…
SOLDEight year old Timneh needs a loving home. After six back surgeries, and other medical issues I can no longer give him the attention he deserves. After…
SOLDMust rehome due to family circumstances. Will step up and say 50-100 words. Very healthy. If interested, I will send a video. Learns new phrases in a week…
SOLDhandfed quaker baby. loves head scratches is going to make a nice pet
SOLDsweet handfed baby turquoise quaker. weaning now
SOLDsweet handfed peach face love bird. very beautiful baby, rare colors. dna sexed female
SOLDsweet and beautiful baby. dna sexed girl.
SOLDsweet and beautiful dilute yellow side. dna sexed male