BEAUTIFUL HEALTHY PROVEN PAIR BLUE FRONT AMAZONS. Must sell closing my Avairy due to personal issues.
SOLD3 year young friendly Macaw. I love him but he needs more attention then I can provide. He comes with a cage, his food, play stand, and toys. His current…
SOLDFriendly (once known) female Congo grey parrot. Very talkative “PET ONLY” she Has no interest in being a breeder. Only wants a humans love and companionship…
SOLDBeautiful super healthy young proven pair of blur fronts. Must sell closing my Avairy due to personal issues.
SOLDREADY NOW ! Hand fed & Weaned super sweet BabyCongo Greys / can dna sex them $40 / will ship / already whistling and trying to talk.. ❤️ Please call or…
SOLDKuka is a very playful sweet male umbrella cockatoo. He has been proven. Is pet or breeder. super funny !!
SOLDSweet bird wants attention. Comes with cage. Looking for a good home for him.
SOLDMale Rock Pebbler Regent Parrot for sale. Comes with cage and toys. Need to rehome immediately. Please feel free to contact me. Price is negotiable.
SOLDFemale Rock Pebbler Regent Parrot for sale. Comes with cage and toys. Need to rehome immediately. Please feel free to contact me. Price is negotiable.
SOLDSelling a pair of Sun Conure and Quaker. Open to offers. Not sure about age, they were adopted together and they grew up together so cannot be separated…