$125 each, two males and a female. They are split to recessive blue, ino, and Opaline.
SOLDFemale creamino Quaker parrot. Weaned and ready to go.
SOLDBlue Opaline Quaker parrot.
SOLDFemale blue pallid Quaker parrot, weaned and ready to go.
SOLDMale green Opaline green- just weaned. Split to pallid and turquoise.
SOLDFemale Quaker parrot was handfed and really sweet. She is ready for her new home. Just weaned at 9 weeks old.
SOLDMale Turquoise Opaline Quaker is super sweet and split to pallid. He is dnad and ready for his new home.
SOLDFemale blue Quakers are handfed, dnad, and ready for their new home.
SOLDRecessive Grey green male Quaker is split to pallid/Opaline/turquoise. He is a rare find. Dnad, handfed, and really sweet.
SOLDThis girl comes with DNA and was handfed. She weaned back in early June. Unfortunately she hasn't been handled as much since weaned and starting to get…