Antoinette is an handfed Jenday Conure. She will only go to an experienced home. She has been to the beach. She has been clicker and trained. Antoinette…
SOLDAntoinette is an handfed Jenday Conure. She will only go to an experienced home. She has been to the beach. She has been clicker and trained. Antoinette…
SOLD4 month old Baby. Not DNA sexed. Eating seeds/fruits/greens and very friendly. Good with other birds. Raised with other birds and a dog. Comes…
SOLDBudgie- parakeet. This bird is free, not tamed.
SOLDWe have 1 handfed baby left. A really sweet and friendly bird. Enjoys being near you and getting petted. Just looking for a new home. (Dog not included…
SOLDCockatiel baby. DNA tested male, 8 weeks old. Weaned and ready to go. Very friendly, will get on your finger. Loves to hang out with you. Non…
SOLDI currently have only ; MALE RED BRONZE Great singers from my Aviary 1,5 year old. ***Only serious requests please Finest quality healthy adult canaries…