Handfed baby parrotlets. From disease tested parents. We work with several mutations!
SOLDHandfed baby sun conures. From disease tested parents!
SOLDNear weaning DNA male baby black headed caique. Close banded, from disease tested parents.
SOLDHandfed baby parrotlets just weaning now. Green female $250 Blue male $300 Turquoise female $300 Pied Turquoise male $350 Located just outside…
SOLDTwo great Cockatiels and a huge cage for sale. My daughter is acting like she has a bird allergy when it’s time to care for them or their cage. ? She isn…
SOLDI have 1 female pied whiteface cockatiel ready for a new home if interested please call or message me thanks.
SOLDI have 2 female cinnamon pied whiteface cocktails ready for a new homes if interested please call or message me thanks (our phone number)
SOLDHi I have 1 female whiteface cocktail available she is eating seeds on her own now if interested please call or text thank you.
SOLDHi I have 1 baby whiteface cocktail ready for new home. 2 pied Cinnamons sold. 1 albino red eyes not sure gender left. Eating seeds if interested please…
SOLDI have two untamed Albino Adults available $295 each one Female one Male if interested please message me thank you.