Baby Cockatiel born in June. Youngest out of the three siblings. If you have concerns feel free to reach out
SOLD$25/each in cash
SOLD4 month-old white face pearl, looking for a loving home. A little shy at first but very sweet, gender unknown, loves attention, and loves to play . has…
SOLD4 year old normal gray cockatiel looking for a loving home. His name is grandmas baby , he is smart he talks and whistles he loves attention and head rubs…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, her name is tattoo and she's 5 months old , she's a little shy but sweet , she likes head rubs and attention , she's very mellow…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, his name is Elvis and he's 2 months old he's hand raised and hand fed, he loves head rubs and attention , he likes to fly around…
SOLDWe are re-homing our bonded pair of male Cockatiels. Curry is a normal grey, and Snowball is a white-faced lutino (all white with red eyes). They are both…
SOLDLooking for a loving home his name is Spike and he is 6 months old, he is friendly and tame . He loves to sing and he is starting to talk a couple of…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, her name is Pixie and she is 3 years old, she is tamed and friendly at times, she is a little shy at first and doesn't like…
SOLDLooking for a loving home, her name is Bridezilla and she is a year old, she loves attention she is very sweet, shy at first but once she warms up to…