Baby girl is a 7 year old Amazon who loves to talk A LOT lol. She’s friendly with people and good with other birds and animals. She is healthy and also…
SOLDI have 3 WF Cockatiels Available. All 3 are split to pied and pearl. They are 2 1/2 years old. I have 2 dark colored ones and a lighter gray. They are…
SOLDA price is listed but all offers will be considered. This is outside the Philadelphia area and willing to travel up to one hour to meet anyone not in the…
SOLD10 weeks old yellow amazon! I got told is a boy! He need to be train!
SOLDFour parakeets with cage, 3 male and 1 female. They have to go all together. Thanks for looking.
SOLDTwo Green Cheek Conures, about 6 months old. Cage is included. They both have to go together. Thanks for looking.
SOLDFive parakeets with cage, 4 female and 1 male. They have to go all together. Thanks for looking.
SOLDPair of one year old lovebirds
SOLDYoung lovebird with small cage.
SOLDTwo lovebirds with cage, a year old.