Male and female pair, about 1-2 years old, for sale. They are not trained but they are beautiful and worth the time, I got them as a rescue and they've…
SOLD1 female 5 months old bird ready for new home. She is not tame. But can tame her. She loves to stay out of the cage.
SOLDHe is very sweet bird. A male one.he is 2 years old. Very colorful. He is comes to the hand. .For this price he comes with his cage traverling cage and…
SOLDShe is very sweet bird. Like to stay in hands. 2 years old now. Very quiet bird. Comes with her cage, traveling cage, 15lb food.
SOLDHis name is suger. He is 8 years old. Very frendly with men's. Gives with cage, traveling cage and big bird tree and toys. My wife is pregnant so she…
SOLDPair of green cheek conure. Female is yellow side green cheek and male is green cheek. Both are 3 years old. I brought from angell's aviary. Comes with…
SOLDA pair of adult cocktails. No hand tame. They are breeding pair.They were in start to mate. I don't have time to take care if they start to lay the eggs…
SOLDFemale and male bonded pair. Female is a Harlequin and male is a Scarlet. They are about 4-5 years old. Female is talkative- hi, hello, come here, go…
SOLD2 young green cheek pineapple cinnamon head conures for sale. One hatched January, one hatched March. Would like to sell as pair but all offers considered…
SOLDOne Fischer and one Peach face. I was told they are both girls and very very young. They were kind of dropped into my lap in unusual circumstances and…