They are 10 weeks old I have 2 yellow sided and 1 pineapple all with a beautiful red chest. They aren't DNA so sex is undetermined.
SOLDI have a pair of Timneh Greys that will only be sold as a pair. They are friendly except during mating season then the male gets a little protective. They…
SOLDI have 2 green cheek conures left they are high yellow please contact me if you're interested for more pictures. They are not DNA tested so sex is unknown…
SOLDFrito was born in November 2022 and has fully bolted into a stunning looker. He’s been very busy singing and dancing for his cage mates. He is redheaded…
SOLDFemale Eclectus needs a good home. She is use to being out of her cage . She is on a suitable Eclectus diet,, no pellets. She is approximately 16 years…
SOLDDiamond Doves, various colors, all young. Discount on 10 or more.
SOLDMale Lahore Pigeon. Was kept for a pet, but needs a home where he can be with other pigeons.
SOLDVery beautiful tame cockatiel baby.
SOLDLovely Indian ring neck.
SOLDThis youngster is looking for its forever home.