6 budgies for rehoming. 3 males and 3 females. Must go in pairs as parakeets are community birds. Not hand tamed.
SOLD2 month old lutino and albino budgies available. Pickup from Ellicott City MD. $50 for the pair. These are half English budgies. Parakeet/Budgie
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLD1 month old half English budgies available. Spangles, opaline, inos,cinnamon are some of the mutations available. Total 10 available. Must go in pairs…
SOLDWe are reluctantly selling our charming 2-year-old Indian Ringneck parrot (called Jojo) complete with his spacious cage nutritious food a variety of…
SOLD15 yr old parrot.. Comes with $350 cage in excellent condition.. Please feel free to contact me with any questions
SOLD4 month old Baby. Not DNA sexed. Eating seeds/fruits/greens and very friendly. Good with other birds. Raised with other birds and a dog. Comes…
SOLDAccepting a deposit on this Handfed baby. Very sweet and socialized. Video chat available. Hatch date June 22. 2024
SOLDFemale, hatch date 7/13/2023. Hand fed. Video chat available. She is weaned and ready to leave
SOLDOne Male and One female available. Hatch dates 6/13/2023(female) and 6/15/2023 (male)Video chat available. Hand raised. $2,800 each